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+1 vote
I was asked this by a fellow Councillor yesterday; "The Disorderly conduct does not cover email or other written letters between Councillors.  Should all such not be of a respectful nature. Just how we get this accepted is the point in question."
I must admit to being flummoxed by this until I recalled some emails that were less than flattering ... to the Cllr who asked the question.  So my question is both complex and simple at the same time.  Can emails from one Councillor in the form of a 'round Robin' that impuned the Council as a whole and one in particular, be treated as official communications?
by (900 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
They should be if they are in the capacity of the Councillor role which it strikes me they are.
If it's a "one off" event then let bygones by bygones but if it's common place, then well that's a problematic situation and could be treated under the code of conduct.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes

Can "round robin" emails from one Councillor can be treated as official communications?

Yes, if the councillor sends it from a dedicated Town/Parish Council E mail account given to him/her  and all other cllrs with the same formats  etc.

by (35.8k points)
Round robin emails
Any email sent by a Councillor regarding another Councillor or Council business is official EVEN if they are using their own personal email. This also means that a Freedom of Information of Subject Access Request can be requested on any email (again including personal).

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