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The current Chair has sent an email praising their colleagues, which seems manipulative saying how wonderful they are. Then requesting that they remain Chair for another year. The author of the email then threatens to resign if they are not allowed to remain Chair for another year. The Chair asked that all responses to this request are made directly to them and kept private.
by (180 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
It is legal, however, morally dubious. S/he is allowed to canvass for support, but it does seem underhand.
by (9.0k points)
It's more than morally dubious; it's intimidation and moral blackmail. Vote the blaggard out. Let him resign and good riddance to a devious, posturing, pompous ass. Readers may be interested in what is going on in Ledbury. See
0 votes
I'd agree with somebody else. Just wanted to add that the chair must be elected as the first item of business for the annual meeting of the council in May. The current chair can chair the meeting for the duration of the election, but unless reelected automatically ceases to hold the position once a new chair is elected. Councillors are free to propose and vote for any councillor to fill the role of chair for the following year. The council should feel free to choose whoever they wish.
by (33.7k points)
0 votes
There should be no reason why a Councillor who is Chair/Mayor cannot be elected for another year at the AGM of the Council. He/she will need proposing and seconded. However it is also open to any other Councillor to stand if they wish. Then semi-threats implicit in the comments would appear to show the candidate is not suitable. And if he/she wishes, or threatens, to resign then goodbye.
by (2.6k points)
There is no reason but it is not good practice for chairs to go on and on, year after year. My parish council has an unwritten rule that the chair should be changed every year. It works well.
Simon: I agree. However it does happen and maybe it is increasing as less Councillors seem to  want the job or the role starts taking on extra commitments: sometimes commitments added  to deter others from wanting to be Chair/Mayor.

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