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The LGA says declarations of acceptance may be made before inter alia a member of the council. The Act also says that the outgoing chairman and vice chairman remain members of the council until their termsof office end notwirthstanding the provisions about councillors retitiring on the 3rd day etc. Does this mean they can take declarations if they are not standing for the new council up to the date of the first meeting when they go out of office, and if not, why not?
by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I'd agree with your reading of LGA 1972 that the outgoing chairman and vice chairman remain members of the council until the first meeting of the new council. Except where there is a specific restriction on their powers, I would think that they are able to function as councillors, including in relation to declarations. So, I think the short answer is "yes".
by (33.7k points)
Thank you for your prompt and concise reply: very helpful.

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