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Can a parish council temporarily erect signs warning walkers to not use a section of footpath for safety reasons as it is eroding away into the river it runs along, bounded by a chain link fence which people have to hang onto to avoid slipping into the river?
by (260 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
All Parishes have to power to warn of dangers, and this would be a good example.

However, they don't have the power to close the footpath.

The power is s72, Road Traffic Regulations 1984.

You do, however, need the permission of the owner of the land where you are putting the signs (an email will suffice).
by (9.0k points)
edited by
+2 votes
If there is an immediate danger to the public, you should call the Police. If not, and the path is a legal right of way, you should notify the rights of way officer at your county council. If it's not a legal right of way, notify the landowner.
by (60.1k points)
I would say that the Council ROW officer is the correct authority , They can then issue a TTRO to close it for up to 18 months

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