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What act(s) can give sufficient grounds for an incumbent Councillor to be disqualified from holding office?
by (410 points)
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2 Answers

+1 vote
I don't know of any acts as such that would lead to disqualification.  Failure to attend for six months without a reason approved by the council results in ceasing to be a councillor and a vacancy must be declared.  Holding a paid office in the control of the council leads to disqualification, as does a criminal conviction where a sentence of 3 months or more imprisonment was imposed (whether or not suspended). Bankruptcy leads to disqualification.
by (33.7k points)
Thanks - I was wondering if breaches of the Code of Conduct were sufficient but it appears that a Complaint raised against such breaches is not even sufficient to warrant disqualification if found guilty. Seems pretty toothless procedure ...
I wouldn't disagree.  Although the procedure that used to be in place was cumbersome and rarely led to actual disqualification.  The current regime relies on the criminal law, but it seems highly unlikely that any but the most blatant acts will be prosecuted.  It has always been the case that the most effective remedy is, in the end, public opinion and the ballot box - and it isn't long now before the latter kicks in with the four yearly elections for town and parish councils in May 2015.
0 votes
Apart from criminal conviction, only failure to attend sufficient meetings (One in every six months) The code of conduct is totally toothless.
by (840 points)

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