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I have been on my Parish Council for a year, and have now been elected Vice Chair.

I have been emailing the whole group of councillors, if I have any questions or thoughts. It would appear that the Chair & Clerk do not like this. The opinion amongst several councillors is that the Chair & Clerk do not like the boat rocked. And I have been told that I cannot email all Councillors at once, Yet they see fit to when it is convenient for them.

There is a feeling that outside forces are pulling the strings with how the Chair & Clerk run things.

My question is is it ok for me to email all councillors? I am not campaigning just providing information to them as a group.
by (140 points)

1 Answer

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I cannot think of a reason that would prevent you from emailing any or all councillors as you think best.  Provided of course that what you say is not offensive or illegal!

The council of which I am a member has a mailing list that can be used by the clerk or any councillor, so that sending mail to a single mail box results in it being automatically sent to the whole council and clerk.  We see no objection to that, and it is regularly used.
by (33.6k points)

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