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0 votes
Can Councillors report on Social Media on a Council Meeting, where nothing has been deemed as confidential? Again assuming that the Nolan principles and Code of conduct are adhered to -notbringing th PC into disrepute, telling truth, etc.
by (2.3k points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Yes. The rules regarding audio and video recording of meetings apply to Councillors in the same way that they apply to members of the public, so Councillors are free to comment/broadcast etc. However, as you rightly say, these actions must be conducted innocently in the spirit of transparency and not have an ulterior motive.
by (58.4k points)
Councillors must also ensure that whatever comments they make are identified as their personal comments and not seen or misconstrued as being of the council.
0 votes
They aren't NALC's  "Standing orders" , they are an example generated by NALC which Council's are free to plagarise or ignore as they see fit, except for the elements are required by statute. Cllrs are free as Dave the Clerk says to comment as they see fit, as long as they make it clear that they the comments are not made on behalf of the whole council. Some PC's/TC's have tried to introduce Social Media policies to stop councillors doing that however.
by (35.8k points)
Social Media policies are being written to stop councillors, even when its pointed out that Policies are contravening statutes. What should be the recourse for this please?
The Vexatious question.
If a social media policy currently exists, it could well be because NALC recommended that councils adopt one. Former DCLG sec of State Eric Pickles criticised NALC for this and suggested Councils should cancel their NALC subscriptions! initially you should propose a motion to have it rescinded on the basis that it convenes a statute and impedes you carrying out your duty as a councillor to the best of your ability.   If you chose to breach it - it's difficult to see how doing so would go against the cllr code of conduct and what the Principal Authority Monitoring Officer could do about it.
Are we on the same Council !?
Thank you for your precise reply. I suspect this issue rears its head at many Parish councils where a rather 'old guard' attitude prevail. I often read questions on this site and realise that so many councillors are faced with similar problems of  trying to have a PC which at least tries to aim for the Nolan principles, or are faced with a group of 'power' happy councillors with a rather 'awkward' clerk.

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