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On response to a proposal, which was carried, my opposition has caused particular upset to the "Governing body" whom seem intent on challenging every comment I put into the debate to the point of closing down any opposition. There final decision would only lead to the disrepute by vexatious intent. Any comments would be welcome.
by (1.3k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

As far as I know the  only reference to vexatious is in assessment of complaints of council and should be defined in the councils complaints procedure. I would expect that a councillor who is elected to take part in council procedures and contributes information to a democratic debate cannot have their contribution branded as vexatious. Councillors agree that once carried a proposal is accepted as the decision of the council and respected as such. Subject to the six month rule of course and in light of sufficient new information there is nothing stopping such new information being presented to council  by yourself.

by (29.0k points)
A Parish Council should not have a "governing body - all Cllrs are alike in terms of powers & responsibilities, even the chair.   If members of the same party or group or doing this they have no right  to do so.   Acting vexatiously is to conduct yourself in a threatening or aggressive manner, or acting in a way to designed to demoralise somebody by bombarding them with the same question or comment many times.  Try getting somebody to record the meeting & if you are "talked down" use the video as evidence that those doing so are breaching the Cllrs code of conduct with the monitoring officer.

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