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Should minutes for committee meetings be agreed at the next meeting of the committee or is it ok for them to be agreed at the full council meeting?


For some reason my council is now agreeing committee mintues at the full council meetings instead of waiting two months to the next committee meeting and allowing them to be agreed by the committee. This seems to me to be wrong and illogical but I don't know where to look for an offcial point of view on this. Currently we have no clerk and the only way I can get advice is from guides or laws but I don't know where to look for this topic.
by (420 points)

1 Answer

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Normal practice is for committee minutes to be approved at the next meeting of the committee.  It is possible to write minutes at a meeting and approve them at the same meeting, especially if there is a reason why signed minutes will be needed sooner than the next meeting.

The minutes of committees are usually "received" by the full council, and it is perhaps best to identify them as draft minutes if they have not yet been approved and signed by the committee chairman.
by (33.7k points)

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