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0 votes
there property was badly damage,people going into there garden,plus the police was non active,they just needed advice and turned to the parish council for help and support,but there issues was not allowed on the adgenda reason being the parish can not put items unless fully publish,which the residents would not want to do for obivious reasons
by (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
There is provision for excluding the public from part of a parish council meeting.  There must be a resolution that states in broad terms the reason, such as in order to avoid breaching a confidence.  The resolution to exclude the public has to be voted on and passed.  If it is passed, the public (including members of the press) must leave the meeting.

Decisions made while the public is excluded must be minuted, but in a sensitive case this can usually be done in rather general terms that avoid giving away confidential information.  The agenda item can, likewise, be stated in a way that avoids disclosing sensitive information.
by (33.6k points)
that makes a lot of sense,thank you

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