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I am Vice-Chairman of our local Parish Council which owns a Recreation Field on behalf of the field's Trustees.   I and another Councillor have suspicions that some alterations to the boundary of the field has taken place and we have now discovered that the Chairman and one other councillor have signed a legal deed relating to this. They attest in the deed that they have the authority to sign it but no resolution has ever been passed by the parish council authorising their action. Further, at no time was this brought to the attention of the Parish Council.  Our standing orders do not contain any ruling relating to this. We are checking the legal postition but we want to make doubly sure of the facts before we confront our chairman at our next meeting
by (3.9k points)

1 Answer

0 votes
No, there must be a decision by the council, or by a committee that has been given authority by the council to decide a matter.
by (33.7k points)

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