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0 votes
The local football club are in arrears with there rent from the last season and was agreed at the last full council meeting that there was to be a meeting with members of the councill and the football club.  It was agreed that the parishchair person was not to attend by them selves as it was a large amount of arrears and we did not wont this to accure again only for the chairperson to have this meeting on there own and at the house. Please note that the football pitch's on on parish council land.
by (150 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
I think you are asking whether the chairman of a local council can represent the council at a meeting of some other group without the council's authority?  The answer to that is no.  Apart from a very few matters such as the ability to call council meetings, the chairman does not have any more powers than any other councillor.  And no councillor has any authority to act on their own unless specifically authorised by the council.  A council can only make decisions when it meets as a council, following the usual rules about notice, etc.
by (33.6k points)

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