You interpret it as ‘anger’, I think of it as challenging that which is empirically incorrect.
If a statement is made by person A and challenged by person B, how does that make person B angry? Other than as the start of person A’s attempt to discredit, avoid or divert attention from the actual point of the discussion?
I thank you for the point you make above which actually illustrates rather well why there would be absolutely no reason why aggregated staff costs should not be shown as a monthly entry of PC expenditure in meeting minutes.
What I would acknowledge that you may have interpreted, is FRUSTRATION not anger at the perpetuation of (what is interpreted as) poor practice and incorrect quoting of legislation where it is patently neither understood nor appropriate.
If I told you it was Tuesday and you showed be a calendar demonstrating that it was actually Monday, I wouldn’t think you were ‘angry’ for highlighting my confusion, I’d THANK you....,