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We did go to the rural council solicitor to allow the meeting to give money to our village hall the papers were done under the legislation and two copies went to the sec of state..... All ok so we can now give to our village hall.

now!  Our village is a conservation village with every rule (direction 4 planning  etc )

within the new TPPF  planning guidelines I read that the national park planners should look carefully at plans/ improvements for non resident second homes. Heritage assets etc

our village has 28% second homes who apart from the small precept payment contribute almost zero to us that for the village!!

so I has a BAD idea to get the second homes to contribute more.

the second home owners are not electors and have no say on the parish meeting. SO the proposal is to raise the precept... Subject to legal formalities.   By say £80 per house average.

now it has been pointed out that £80 would be too high for the present souls that live in the village.    We decided that one definition of a second home owner was that they are rich ( due to the fact that they have two homes)

so we have an automatic definition of rich and poor.... Sadly the second home owners with no vote on the parish meeting could not stop what the local (poor) residents so decide.

the proposal,.... what you can see coming!!!!!!

is that the voting electors vote for a rise in the parish precept of. £80 but also vote that 80% of the. Money raised should be given as an annual donation to ( THE POOR)

ie the non second home owners otherwise know as full time residents.


now come on!!!!! You really think this is a joke, but think again,  as to how a village (conservation) can get funds from the 28% second home owners (one owner of a £1.5M house lives in Germany )!!!!!

do you think, legally, a left wing rural district council would not sign off this proposal and send the documents to the sec of state???????

Or how would you solve this problem?

answer quick or the 28% will soon increase and we may soon be able to put up a new sign outside the village


OH the last person that left Wharren Percy was one of my ancestors!!!!!!

by (280 points)

1 Answer

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You'd have more scope if you turned yourselves into a parish council, rather than a parish meeting.

Sadly, there is no sign that any solution is in sight.  The problem is even worse in the south west ( where the second home ratio has apparently reached 75% in some places.
by (33.7k points)
edited by
Have looked at the acts, so, WHY. Please?
Because you could use section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 to make grants that are not covered by specific powers.  But it wouldn't be sufficient to cover the kind of figures you are contemplating.

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