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Are there any Councils here that have achieved a level of the LCAS? New Clerk and a few new Councillors managed to push for Foundation Level then saw Community Engagement mentioned at Quality Level so it was abandoned. The Foundation Level requirements only lasted a few months. Are there any other benchmarking schemes that I could suggest? The precept and staff numbers keep going up and frontline services diminishing, thus not really demonstrating value for money.
by (550 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Sounds like our Town Council.
by (580 points)
0 votes
The scheme  was devised by, and is a money maker for NALC.  In truth "rewards" Councils for pre-dominantly  doing what they are supposed to do by law..  Most paritioners won't have heard,of it and since they are not  involved in the criteria for  assigning it,  why bother?   A better option would be to seek certification under a recognised quality standard such as ISO 9001, assessed by independant organisation rather than a self serving membership society. i.e. NALC.
by (35.8k points)
Do any PCs hold the ISO 9001 / ISO 18091?
That could be difficult Graeme_r. If the NALC scheme is ignored then I doubt that anything that confirms their lack of professionalism and moral will would be entertained.
It is hardly a  money maker for NALC as the registration for the award scheme is about £100.  My council have achieved Quality and will be working towards Quality Gold.
The cost depends on the size of the council  .For a large town council it will be a lot higher. Good luck in your quest for gold but I think it is a waste of the precept.

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