My Parish Council it appears some 25 years ago purchased some land abutting to the existing closed church yard for the purposes of establishing a new Burial Ground. They effectively own and maintain said Burial Ground. Now it appears that to do this you need to become a burial authority?
The problem now arises as to what happens regarding the maintenance of the existing Closed Churchyard. Historic minutes show some conflict on this matter with the church being difficult and hard to get responses from. In an effort to sort this the PC led the establishment of a charity to oversee closed church yard monument maintenance and made it clear that any contributions to said charity would be voluntary. However, it appears more recently the PC seems to always end up paying and the Charity appears dormant. I have queried a recent significant grant application noting that LGA 1972 s 214 6 allows for optional contributions and s215 for total responsibility in that there appears to be no recorded historic agreement. It appears the PC ends up paying because no one else will.
Legal opinion suggest a hierarchy of maintenance responsibility of
a) owner/family
b) church
c) local authority
Does anyone have an experience of dealing with Closed Churchyards and does being a Burial Authority imply any responsibility for all burial grounds?