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by (2.3k points)

2 Answers

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That's an interesting question!  The model standing orders state that:-

"The Council... shall, subject to standing orders 4(b) and (c), appoint and determine the terms of office of members of such a committee."

This suggests to me that you don't have a choice.

by (58.5k points)
Again it depends on the procedures in place. Our procedure is to ask Councillors the Panels/Committees they have a preference for - and all Councillors are informed of the rules applying. the rules applying (number of Councillors per Committee/Panel and the maximum number that one Councillor can be a member of). The Chair normally has a right to be ex-offico on all of them. The Clerk then tries to find an equable solution. It goes to Council for final approval. I am aware ta that some Councils do not have this approach. Otherwise, it tends not to be seen as above board and may be biased.
Indeed. There's nothing to be gained from forcing somebody to sit on a committee in which they have no interest.

Having said that, I'm watching with amusement as my Tory-controlled district council that lost most of its senior members in May's bloodbath tries to force square pegs into round holes to form a new administration!
0 votes
The answer that you don't have a choice seems likely to be right, at least technically. Although since you can't be compelled to attend, it seems pointless for a council to insist on appointing unwilling councillors to a committee. Too many non-attending members will prevent the committee even being quorate, let alone effective. So I guess if you want to press the issue, then make it clear when the committee is being set up that you have no interest and will not attend if appointed. Provided you are contributing in  other areas, I don't think anyone should criticise you for that.
by (33.7k points)

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