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We live on the stortford road just down from hatfield haven apart from the heavy traffic on the main road and the speed they travel I cannot tolerate the crop guns going of from 7.15 am till dusk to the front and rear of my property it wakes us up in the morning and from then on no respite at all we can actually feel the vibrations of these guns and we do have double glazing throughout ,,who do these farmers think they are and do they not have any respect for local residents  .also I have read on the website about crops guns and it reads that the noise emanating from these guns must not infringe the rights of householders to enjoy their home and property  .which this obviously does ..I want to take further action .,,,,also on another topic what is being done about the speed of the traffic on the BS road only last year a motor bike fatality occurred just outside our house is this not enough to take action we pay enough rates for very little return ,,,I want to see speed cameras put up and do not want to see any more of these speed signs of which no one takes any notice of and is a waste of our money ,,Mr RJ Woollcott Hedges stortford road
by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
It is possible for action to be taken over unreasonable noise.  You would need to refer to a principal authority, usually the district council.
by (33.6k points)

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