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Can anybody tell me what the rules are for electing a mayor to a parish council. Do candidates put their own names into a hat or must they be selected by their peers?
by (210 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote

Normally  a Mayor is a position associated with a Town Council rather than a Parish Council.  The process should be defined in the Council's standing orders.  Frequently, the Chair of the Council also holds the position of Town Mayor. In model standing orders it says  "The Chairman of the Council, unless he has resigned or becomes disqualified, shall continue in office and preside at the annual meeting until his successor is elected at the next annual meeting of the Council."  So the Chair (and Mayor if both are the same person) are elected by fellow members in that instance.

by (35.8k points)
+1 vote
The first business of the council's annual meeting is to elect a chairperson. The annual meeting is held in May each year.  It is up to the council to decide how to go about this, although an obvious requirement is that people who are proposed must be willing to take up the office. The person appointed has to be present at the meeting because they must sign the acceptance of office at the meeting. Candidates can put themselves forward, or councillors can request them to be considered. The final decision must be a vote in the council to appoint a particular person.

A parish council may choose to be a town council if that seems appropriate. This does not alter the rules governing the council at all. The chairperson of a town council has the honorary title of mayor. The vice-chair of a town council is likewise the deputy mayor.

CORRECTION: I was mistaken in thinking the candidate for chairman must be present. The person elected must sign a declaration of acceptance prior to officiating. That means that if they are present, the declaration must be signed immediately, at the meeting. However, there is no statutory bar to electing a council member who is not present. They must still sign a declaration before attending a meeting as chairman.
by (33.7k points)
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0 votes
Thanks to everybody who replied... very useful information.
by (210 points)

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