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I have been given to understand that a vote of no confidence can be motioned by a member of the public at a general meeting of a Parish Council providing a minimum of 6 or more members of public agree.   Is this correct, if not could you explain the correct procedure,

Thank you for your assistance.
by (280 points)

1 Answer

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Well, not exactly, I'm afraid.

Six electors of the parish can demand a parish meeting.  All the electors of the parish are entitled to attend and vote at a parish meeting.  If the chairman of the parish council is present, they must chair the meeting.  If not and the vice-chairman is present, then they must chair the meeting.  Other parish councillors have no special role at a parish meeting.

However, a parish meeting does not have the powers of a parish council.  A question can be put to a vote at a parish meeting, but in almost all cases the decision is not binding on the parish council.  So you can certainly call a parish meeting and put forward a motion of no confidence in the chairman of the parish council.  The result of the vote will indicate the opinion of electors but will not have any direct affect on the position of the chairman.

The only ways to remove a chairman are to persuade them to resign or to wait until their period of office comes to an end.  A well attended parish meeting may have some effect on the behaviour of the parish council, but does not have a power of compulsion.
by (33.7k points)

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