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Our village has 17 properties that are holiday lets,second homes or apparent investment assets which are unoccupied , additionally we have a few long term let properties.

My question is, what qualifies as the basis for taking part in the resolution to set an annual precept?  Please

second question:- Is there any part of present legislation that allows the PC/Meeting to request the RDC to have higher precept payments on non occupied/non primary residence properties??

by (280 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
My understanding is that only the electors of the parish would be entitled to vote at a parish meeting.  This would exclude most owners of second homes or property that is let.  The Electoral Commission gives a clear description of the issue at

The district council is not bound to listen to parishes when it decides on the treatment of properties for taxation.  But it should certainly take some account of parish views, and in the current financial climate the district council is quite likely to be considering using its powers to raise the greatest possible revenue through council tax.

This does not feed directly to the precept, which is set by the parish as a cash figure (complicated now by local liability for housing benefit), but if the district council increases the tax base, then the precept can be raised without adding to the charge on most properties.
by (33.7k points)

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