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A parish Clerk/RFO resigned in June after heavy criticism by the Chair in open meeting. A councillor with CiLCA agreed to take on a temporary role while awaiting a replacement but was not given full responsibility / files, which were retained by the Chair. Advertising for a replacement produced no result and there appears to have been no attempt to engage a Locum.

Similar criticisms were made at the September meeting resulting  in the  councillor as acting Clerk withdrawing from the arrangement. The Clerking of meetings is now arranged meeting by meeting with the Chair retaining RFO responsibility.
Can this arrangement carry on indefinitely?
by (1.2k points)

1 Answer

0 votes
For the council to function there must be a proper officer, whether paid or unpaid. If it is a councillor (or an ex-councillor within twelve months) they cannot be paid. There must be a proper officer for each major function, whether that is a single person or more than one person.

Nobody can be a proper officer unless appointed by the council in a properly constituted meeting. Provided there is a proper officer for the main functions, the council can continue indefinitely.
by (33.7k points)

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