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The regular reports of the Internal Auditor identify whether or nor correct practices are being kept. A key component of our Annual Meeting of the Council. The Internal Auditor has a need to be seen as independent  (Clerk and Councilors etc).
However we have a situation where it is being suggested that the Internal Auditor should come along to one of our Full Council meetings to answer Councillor concerns about a decision by its Officers. In this case the Auditor would be acting in an ad-hoc capacity.
Would this be outside the TORs and practices of that auditor?
by (2.6k points)

1 Answer

0 votes
It seems to me a reasonable thing to do. As an analogy, I can imagine the trustees of an incorporated charity consulting their auditor over accounting practices in the organisation. I'd expect it to require an additional fee.
by (33.7k points)
Thanks for your reply. Maybe it is the first time I have seen it use in this way. It is being done in respect of the use/potemtoial misuse of the Mayoral Allowance and tax. When I saw the issue at first I assumed the Clerk (as Proper Officer) and our ALC should be the focal point of the advice given. If there are issues once this is over I will put in another post (maybe).

Thanks again.

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