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I attended a parish council meeting that was reviewing my planning application, this had been passed back to the Parish from the planners to review as the property was now in the village confines after the NDP was made. The Parish chair asked another parish councillor to read out a recommendation (from someone that was not at the meeting) regarding my planning application, they recommended even though it was now in the confines, refusal based on over development and amenity should still be used. The PC Chair then asked the parish councillors to vote. I intervened and explained the property was in the NDP confines (Just approved) and exceeded all of the district requirements, I compared it to past applications that were over developed, but they approved. The PC reading the comment kept on repeating it. Is it normal for a recommendation to be read out by someone that is not present at the meeting? should the PCs have made there own mind on the application?
by (190 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
A Parish/Town Council is a Consulteee to the Planning Process. It does not have the power to refuse. The Chair should be aware of that.
by (2.6k points)

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