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My thoughts were, that to ask for a recommendation for an objection to be read out to the parish councillors prior to a discussion taking place on the planning application does seem to create a bias, before any evidence is even considered.

Especially when the person raising the recommendation is not even present at the parish council meeting and it is being read out by another Parish councillor.. The vote was 4 out of 7 against. the Parish councillor who read the recommendation kept on repeating it, and would not even offer any reasons.
by (190 points)

1 Answer

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Any objection to a planning application being made by a PC, really ought to be supported by valid planning reasons. An objection on its own will carry very little weight with the planning officer. If a NDP is in place, it would be logical for the council to point to the precise policy in the NDP that supports their objection. 

In the same manner, the applicant for the planning consent could write to the planning department with reasons why and how, the application is supported and complies with the NDP policies.

It would be also worth waiting to a few days before the deadline for comments, and write a rebuttal to any objections that have been put forward up to that point. Again backed up with policies reasons from the LP and NDP. (If more objections appear on the website after the closing date - write again - the officers will usually include that response as well).

by (5.3k points)

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