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by (2.3k points)

3 Answers

0 votes
The Chair(person) is responsible for overseeing the meeting. The Clerk is there to advise as required (and as an employee of the Council). There should be a mangementteam to oversee the "contract/terms of employment (and behaviour) of the Clerk.
by (2.6k points)
0 votes
standard employment terms and disciplinary and grievance procedure.  they are an employee after all...
by (25.4k points)
+2 votes
The earlier answers are perfectly correct. But I'd like to venture a few words that complicate the question. As Arnold-Baker says, the title of clerk is an honourable one, with ancient traditions. Some aspects of the clerk's role are governed by the unwritten common law, in addition to the specific duties in statutes. The clerk has a general duty to try to prevent the council from acting unlawfully. As the senior (and often sole) employee of the council, the clerk is also in a position to advise the council against unwise actions, and has a duty to act where the council's position is in danger for any reason. So it has to be accepted that the clerk is entitled to intervene at times, and perhaps to have an opinion recorded in minutes, especially if the council chooses to disregard the clerk's advice. Of course, the clerk should behave with due respect to the chair. Indeed, ideally both council and clerk will treat one another with respect.
by (33.7k points)

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