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As a growing Council we've recently taken on a number of new un/semi skilled staff through an agency. Those staff are now in the Parish Council employ and when I asked the salary as I was keen to hear that the pay was at the living foundation wage, I was told it was confidential to the Personnel Committee. I now understand that the rate of pay far exceeds this with other generous incentives. Are there guidelines? We have areas of deprivation and people are struggling to pay Council Tax yet the Parish increases their share every year with nothing to show for it, or is this just the norm in politics. Budget setting is getting better than a finger in the air.
by (480 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I wouldn't like to say what is the norm. Certainly there are exceptions to this. Despite pressures, the council of which I'm a member has progressively reduced its precept over the years since 2010, taking account citizens' ability to pay. That isn't always possible, but certainly councils should do everything they can to provide good value.

It is difficult to ask for personal details, but there must be questions about costs that can be asked and expect an answer. Beyond that, it is the usual answer: citizen pressure and the availability of alternative councillors is ultimately the only way to bring about change.
by (33.7k points)

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