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0 votes
Our parish has had some vacancies for some time, and has advertised them and invited candidates for co-option, but no-one had come forward until recently.  Now we have a candiate - but the 6 month rule beofre we all go up for election in May now applies.  Can we still co-opt them?
by (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Yes, the six month rule prevents a poll being called. But in the six months preceding a regular election, the council is free to choose whether to co-opt to fill a vacancy.
by (33.7k points)
So is it the case that the PC cannot have a poll six months before or six months after a regular election?
There cannot be a poll within the six months preceding a regular election. There is no restriction after the regular election.
+1 vote
Can't understand why you would want to co opt 6 months before, surely it would be better to leave the vacancy  until the election then democracy can decide, otherwise you could be accused of cronyism. Kath x
by (420 points)

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