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Last week we had a parish meeting and the chair said that a decision has been made tonight to object to a planning application. He has subsequently said, "a resolution has been decided to oppose this plan". Can they make a decision at an informal 'Parish meeting?'
by (1.2k points)

1 Answer

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The circumstances aren't clear from the question. Was it actually a parish meeting? That is to say, either the annual parish meeting, or a parish meeting that has been requisitioned by the appropriate number of citizens? Or was it just a meeting in the parish where all were invited to attend?

In either case, most decisions by a parish meeting are not binding on the council. The council should certainly take notice of views expressed by citizens, but is not obliged to do so (apart from a few special cases).

The planning authority is not obliged to pay any particular attention to the decisions of a parish meeting, although it is required to consult with the parish council. The response of the parish council must be decided at a council meeting to be the parish council view.
by (33.7k points)

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