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by (200 points)

1 Answer

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A councillor can take a position with a council that would normally be paid, such as clerk or assistant clerk. However, they cannot be paid while a councillor or for twelve months afterwards. Nor can payment be accrued and paid after the twelve month period. They must therefore carry out the duties without pay during the restricted period, if they choose to take the post.
by (33.7k points)
Just found this having asked a similar question - I cannot understand the employment rights issues here?  What Regulation excludes an employee/worker from receiving minimum wage etc. and how does this affect them accruing their annual leave, sickness, maternity rights, etc.?
The Local Government Act 1972, section 112(5) explicitly states that a council may appoint one of their own number as a council officer without remuneration. So far as I know, employment rights legislation does not supersede this quite definite restriction, which is desirable to resist corruption.

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