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A member consistently misses meetings for a mixture of reasons, some work related and some for social events but hardly ever sends apologies. Is it the Clerk's responsibility to remind them that they are approaching a 6 month absence?
by (120 points)

1 Answer

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So far as I know the clerk does not have an obligation to keep councillors informed that they are nearing disqualification through persistent absence. However, the clerk should keep track of such things, as the council will need to declare a vacancy if more than six months go by and there has not been a council resolution to accept reasons for absence. The vacancy arises automatically at the end of six months; a few days must go by and then the council must note the vacancy and the clerk must put the standard procedures into effect. The clerk (and the council) can, if they choose, advise absent members of the risk of disqualification.
by (33.7k points)
What if the clerk fails to put the standard procedures into effect? Does the district council have the authority to intervene?
I don't know, but would doubt it. If the clerk doesn't deal with vacancies, that is a failure in a fundamental part of the job and needs to be dealt with promptly.

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