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A councillor who is suggesting a member of staff be made redundant for subordination etc is suggesting a staffing sub committee be formed. Should that councillor declare a biased interest when a vote takes place to select a sub committee. The committee will review all working practises etc
by (160 points)

1 Answer

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Difficult issue. But I would think it would certainly be better for the councillor in question to keep away from the matter, if they have made it clear that they already have a settled opinion.

Staffing questions need to be handled carefully and decisions must be made on relevant considerations; redundancy requires consultation and that the job is truly redundant. Claims of insubordination do not seem relevant to whether a job is redundant, or who should be made redundant.

A member who has stated a position before any of the procedures have started is liable to put the council in a difficult position, especially if the member of staff takes the matter to a tribunal. Badly handled termination of employment can cost a council a substantial sum. So, on the stated facts, it would seem best for the councillor to withdraw, or for the council to choose not to appoint them to the staffing committee.
by (33.7k points)

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