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Can a Councillor who has been granted dispensation for a period of 3 years, over a pecuniary interest decide not to use it, especially if it would mean the meeting would not be quorate. Once granted, if the meeting involves discussion of the matter that the dispensation has been granted for, can a Councillor decide he/she does not want to use the dispensation to avoid a discussion of the topic as without dispensation being used he/she would have to leave the meeting and then the meeting would not meet the required quorum
by (1.4k points)

1 Answer

0 votes
This is a somewhat obscure issue, and I cannot be certain about it.

It appears to me that the dispensation is a red herring, as a councillor can always withdraw from a meeting at any time, and if there is no longer a quorum that will prevent a decision being made. Clearly this could be seen as irresponsible, but it is hard to see any sanction that could be applied.
by (33.7k points)

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