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I'm doing some research into the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and the requirements for parish councils. While there is plenty of information on the Clerk's responsibilities as 'Safety Officer' there is little on responsibilities of individual councillor's, who more often than not are more exposed to risks such as  moving equipment; monitoring the local environment; chopping down trees; and  advising the general public.

Do you have any views on the level of councillor involvement?
by (1.2k points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I hope you're only chopping down very small trees! Anything larger should be left to professionals.

The council is responsible for taking reasonable steps to ensure the safety of anyone who is working for the council. That includes volunteers (who are typically treated by insurers on the same basis as employed staff). Councillors who do things for the council are volunteers. So appropriate risk assessments should be carried out and recorded, insurers should be notified of any significant or unusual activities and qualified people are needed for jobs that involve machinery or potentially dangerous tools. The work of doing this can be delegated to the clerk, although there obviously needs to be enough time available to carry it out.
by (33.7k points)

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