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by (120 points)

1 Answer

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No. The agenda is prepared by the clerk, and should include any items requested by councillors. The only power to exclude items is if they are unlawful or unclear. In the latter case, the councillor should be invited to submit a clearer statement of the item.

The chairman should be consulted by the clerk about the running of the meeting, and may reorganise the agenda if it is thought desirable. However, the chairman does not have the right to exclude items (nor does any other councillor).

At the council meeting, the chairman or any other councillor can put a motion to move on to the next item of business, or to put the current item to a vote. But a motion of this kind has to be passed by the council to be effective. In uncontentious cases, this will be readily agreed. So, again, there is no lawful way to avoid dealing with an agenda item unless a majority of the council agrees..
by (33.7k points)

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