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by (140 points)

1 Answer

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I presume you mean being a member of and clerk to the same council. I don't know of any reason why not and until recently, such a situation existed near to me albeit over the border in Wales where the rules may be different. The legal dept. at your local council will be able to advise on this.
by (3.9k points)
A Clerk cannot be a Councillor of the same Parish due to the fact that the clerk works for them.
The same rule applies to any employee of any Council ( whether County / Unitary / District etc ) The principal reason being Councillors are elected
This is not correct. "A local council may appoint one or more of its members to be officers of the council without remuneration" - Charles Arnold Baker, Local Council Administration, p. 75.  Refer to LGA 1972 s.112(5).  The limitation on remuneration continues for twelve months after the individual ceases to be a councillor.
Once again you reveal the depth of your knowledge Counterpoint. The original question referred to claiming expenses which I think yankeeboybob is confusing with remuneration.

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