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hello, there are 8 seats on our PC, historically there have been 2 seats unfilled. I attend most PC meetings and have twice put myself forward to be co-opted.

Twice the PC will not accept me. The PC is, I believe, seeking to avoid abusive attacks ( as has happened in the past) from one individual and his 2 acolytes post socia media messages denigrating me. The Chair of the PC is a friend and supporter of that bully.

Given that there are consistently 2 vacancies, is there anyway that my go-option could be achieved?

I feel a different viewpoint/representation would be beneficial to the community as 3 PC members support a particular and partisan viewpoint.

Thank you

by (260 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Stand for election. It seems that there won’t be enough candidates to actually hold an election so if you stand you will be in!
by (460 points)
Thank you.  The next election will be in 2027.
The situation has changed, there were 3 vacant seats. A former Councillor who had resigned (failing to fully disclose interests) was co-opted. Like the bullying element, he is a friend of the PC Chair.

This is so obviously biased behaviour favouring personal prejudices.The PC should be above this and should ( but doesńt) embrace a diversified PC.
Apart from at the next election, can anything be done to address this behaviour?
When a councillor resigns, there is an opportunity for an election. It takes 10 electors to request it within the set period. I think that is what Eagle21 had in mind.
Many thanks for engaging.
+2 votes
You may wish to write to the Clerk to remind them that Rule 5(5) of The Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules 2006 states that:-

"where a casual vacancy in any such office is not required to be filled by election, the parish or community council must, as soon as practicable after the expiry of the period of 14 days referred to in paragraph (2)(c), co-opt a person to fill the vacancy."
by (60.4k points)
Very many thanks Dave, I will familiarise myself with the Act and take it forward.
That's all very well and undisputed, but, co-option requires a majority vote and no individual Cllr can be 'compelled' to vote in any way other than they see fit.

It's a bit of red herring really since if those already won't vote for a co-option candidate, they ain't gonna be co-opted...
Many thanks for engaging.

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