Until recently, the NALC (and county associations) website functionality only supported a single user login per council. This, inevitably was vested in the clerk.
It is however patently obvious that individual Cllrs should be able to access the resource documents and information available by dint of the council's subscription.
I personally battled, over several years, and successive clerks, and the ALC, to insist that the password / login be made available to those Cllrs that wanted it.
The root of the problem was 2 fold - firstly, the inadequate functionality of the NALC website to issue more than 1 user login per council and second, the propensity of (successive) clerk's and the ALC to treat the access to information as a privilege vested solely with them (knowledge is power.) There is a third element of course, the majority of Cllrs being disinterested in actually advancing their own knowledge and happy to rely upon the guff they were fed by the clerk.
Thankfully, and long overdue, the NALC website upgrade now facilitates individual Cllr login rather than a single council login which required the breach of IT procedure in the 'sharing' of a single login between multiple users.
The NALC login now facilitates individual Cllr logins - if your clerk doesn't know this (or doesn't want YOU to know this) I'd suggest your problem is with the clerk rather than the ability to access the info.