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We have a community centre within our parish and a committee of parish councillors manage this building and report into the parish council on a monthly basis. It has been decided that the centre needs a paid facilities manager to take on the day to day running of the building. The current Parish Council chairman, who does not sit on the centre committee, has applied for this role.
Are we able to appoint and pay them? (they are the only candidate and we believe would do a good job) Or do the 'not be an employee' and 'not be paid for 12 months' rules still apply to the chairman?
by (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
No. The rule applies to every councillor.
by (33.7k points)
0 votes
fixed term self employed contract - potentially doable.

direct employed PAYE not doable.
by (26.8k points)
But only if there has been an open procurement process, and the councillor has not taken any part in it.

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