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I think I know the answer but asking to be sure as the chair will recuse himself so the vice chair will be in the chair.
by (480 points)

1 Answer

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As the vice chairs only job is to deputise for the chair if absent from a meeting ipso facto they take the power of chair and thereby the chair's power of casting vote.
by (29.4k points)
The legislation refers to "the person presiding at the meeting" rather than the Chairman.
Thank you. This is what I thought but needed confirmation.
Thank you. I just needed confirmation.
DavetheClerk's clarification is important - if neither chair nor vice chair is present, the meeting elects a councillor to chair the meeting. That person has a casting vote while chairing the meeting.So any councillor could find themselves with a casting vote - but nobody who is not a councillor can ever chair a meeting.

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