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When the agenda is sent out the clerk off course includes paper work for item on the agenda but she also adds on the papers her own thoughts on how councillors should vote is this what clerks are meant to do ?
by (2.1k points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
Whilst the simple answer is no, it does rather depend on what you mean by "her own thoughts".    It is part of the clerk's role to provide advice so if by "her own thoughts" you mean advice on whether the proposal is consistent with agreed policy, contrary to legislation, a item that was included in the agreed budget (or not), what the implications might be in in terms of liability, ongoing costs, resource implications etc. then yes, I'd expect to see that.  What I wouldn't expect to see is "I don't like this idea" or "we should do this" type comments.
by (21.3k points)
0 votes
As a clerk I always found this a case damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

I would suggest you consider any advice but vote with your conscience.
by (11.1k points)
edited by
One of my queries is that the clerk writes the proposal on the supporting paper work and not on the agenda ,on the supporting paperwork in a meeting the clerk wrote. Proposal. That quote are sought for the annual inspection of play equipment. Should this not be on the agenda?
Supporting papers should be published alongside the agenda anyway but what did the actual agenda say for that item?
Hi the agenda item on the agenda reads
To consider report from assistant to clerk on play inspection training
Personally I'd argue that the agenda item as listed does not reflect the decision that is required of councillors although whether any one would raise this as an issue on such a minor matter is in doubt.  The supporting paper appears to be asking for permission to obtain quotes whereas the agenda item refers to training.  Could be better worded
0 votes
The proposal (that which the council will be required to vote on and resolve) should be clearly stated as intended on the agenda.

It can be subjected to proposed amendment by any Cllr but the substantive motion should be shown on the agenda.
by (23.9k points)

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