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Can planning applications be voted on if the applications are not on the agenda summons ?
by (470 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
In practice, this often happens, because of the tight deadlines imposed by planning authorities, and the relative infrequency of council meetings. In uncontroversial cases, that is practical and reasonable.
If an application is something major or controversial, then the council should make sure it is considered at a meeting where it has been flagged up beforehand as an agenda item. If necessary, hold an extraordinary meeting.
by (33.7k points)
0 votes
Has you Clerk been able to request an extension to the consultation dates ? I regularly ask for an extension so that all applications can be added to an agenda so all members of the parish are informed. The Planing team always allow it as its only usually an extra week (we meet every month).
by (3.0k points)
Yes, the clerk has asked in the past  but that appeared to make more work, so it seems to have been dropped off the radar. Yet again, as per the previous meeting, a planning application was discussed, and observations were duly to be returned. No one at the meeting seemed to know about the application not even the chair but it was brought forward under "Applications to be noted not on the agenda". One wonders that if planning items are going to be discussed that are not on the agenda, then what else will follow. The application only came forward the day before the meeting. Am I living in the past and procedures have altered.

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