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In matters relating to the fictional Result of an Uncontested Election listed below, exactly what date were the newly elected councillors elected please?

Election of Parish Councillors to Anywhere Parish Council

Anywhere Parish

Result of Uncontested Election

Somewhere District Council

I, the undersigned, being the Returning Officer John Smith, do hereby certify that at the Election of Parish Councillors for the above mentioned Parish, the following persons stood validly nominated at the latest time for the delivery of notices of withdrawal of candidature, namely 4 p.m. on Friday, 14 July 2023, and were duly elected Parish Councillors for the said Parish without contest.

Names of persons elected                                     Home address

James Brown                                                         15 Any Street, Anywhere

Mary Brown                                                            18 Any Street, Anywhere

Peter Robinson                                                       98 Any Road, Anywhere

John Smith

Returning Officer

17 July 2023

by (230 points)

1 Answer

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Councillors' term commences on the fourth day after the day of the election (even if no poll actually took place). That is the date on which former councillors cease to hold office, unless reelected.
by (33.7k points)
Thanks counterpoint. I am trying to calculate the final day of the two month period for the councillors to sign their declaration of acceptance of office.
You might want to bear in mind that the council must meet on the day councillors take office, or within 14 days after that. It is common for councillors to sign declarations of acceptance at that meeting.
There is no such 2 month period.
83Declaration of acceptance of office.
(1)The person elected to any of the following offices, that is to say, the office of chairman, vice-chairman, [F1presiding member, deputy presiding member,] F2. . . councillor [F3or elected mayor] of the council of a county [F4, county borough], district or London borough F5. . . shall not, unless he has made a declaration of acceptance of office in a form prescribed by [F6an order made by the Secretary of State], and the declaration has within TWO MONTHS from the day of the election been delivered to the proper officer of the council, act in the office except for the purpose of taking such a declaration.
You have quoted Section83 (1) which does not apply to Parish Councils.  You might want to have a look at Section 83(4) which does.

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