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During lockdown due to Covid in 2020-2021 my parish council held Zoom meeting.   I was elected onto the council in May 2021 and  I have now had the opportunity  to read the minutes from the previous council, however, the minutes from the 2020-2021 Zoom meetings although some appear to have been approved they have not been signed.  Our clerk is new to local government and was appointed just before the May 2021 election so does not have the experience to advise on this matter.   My question is who is responsible for getting these minutes signed, is it the chairman of the Zoom meetings, they are on the current council or can the chairman of the current council sign them?   How does one go about getting them signed would they need to be an agenda item  for approval at a meeting?
by (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Minutes should be signed by the person presiding over the meeting that approved them as an accurate record.
by (33.7k points)

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