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Does anyone have experience of successfully installing an audio system to ensure councillors can be heard, including a loop for hearing aids? Effectiveness and value for money are both considerations!
by (33.5k points)

1 Answer

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Unfortunately how long is a piece of string? Councillors can be heard by whom? other councillors? the public attending? a recording system? How big is your meeting venue and how good/bad are the acoustics? Do you go to the same venue every meeting. Does it need to be fully portable with battery backup or physically installed in the venue?

All these considerations need to be addressed before you can start to ask how much? Cheapest method would be to fit each councillor with an individual belt hung amp with lapel mike or head mike  but of course they need to remember to bring them along to the meeting ( and charge the batteriessmiley) about 15 amp @ around £35 each

by (28.1k points)
There are significant advantages in using a system that allows only one person to speak at a time. Microphones should be switched off when members are not addressing the meeting to avoid broadcasting their (often unsavoury!) mutterings.

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