Questions about town and parish councils
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At a recent Annual meeting there was only one nomination for chairman, but the candidate did not command support of the majority and lost the for/against vote.
After further discussion, another candidate was persuaded to come forward, and they were voted in unanimously.
Was this the correct procedure? If not why are uncontested elections put to a vote?
by (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Yes, it was correct. The council must appoint a chairman, as it is not properly constituted without one. But it can achieve that by whatever votes are necessary to reach a conclusion.
by (33.7k points)
0 votes
The answer to the headline question is a simple yes. You can vote for, against or abstain for any motion which is presented.
An individual Cllrs vote is a responsibility and a precious gift. It should neither be forced, compelled or induced other than by the considered free will of the Cllr.
If there is a majority of votes for, the motion is passed, if not, it fails.
A side question….

Is it the meeting or the council that must have a chair?

A chairs role is no more or less than any other Cllr except in that they must preside over the meeting at hand.
You could just elect a chair for any given meeting.
by (26.8k points)
Section 14 Constitution and powers of parish council.
(1) A parish council shall consist of the chairman and parish councillors and shall have all such functions as are vested in the council by this Act or otherwise.

Section 15 Chairman and vice-chairman of parish council or meeting.
(1) The chairman of a parish council shall be elected annually by the council from among the elected councillors.
Happy with all of that Dave….

But it stills leaves the question - so what…..

So much of what T & P councils apparently must / should do has absolutely no consequence if they don’t.

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