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This is topic of some delicacy and I am not sure who to raise it with as the chair will do nothing. Some of the electorate and councillors are concerned that one of the councillors is not entirely with the rest of us in terms of their concentration and memory. We're not doctors but some are health workers and know the signs of dementia. Some recent debates have been very important and we have seen them fall asleep and wake up and then vote against what they had just advocated for. It's a very difficult situation and nobody wants be seen to be questioning someone's faculties but we have heard them say many odd and inappropriate things and I'm not sure they understand the gravity of matters we're dealing with. It could lead to embarrassment if people film our meetings. They could also be vulnerable and be influenced by people trying to break the confidentiality of valid in-camera issues. So while we're trying to support their role on the council with all human kindness; we think they are not really capable of public life anymore. What do we do?
by (150 points)

1 Answer

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To the best of my knowledge, there is no easy answer to this problem. The grounds for disqualification are mostly to do with non-attendance, criminal conviction or bankruptcy.  So it is unlikely there is any means to remove the councillor who suffers diminished capacity.

There is, of course, an election for most councils next May, so it may be possible to persuade the councillor to retire at that point, or it may be possible to vote them off.

Apart from that, the best that can be done is for the chairman to make extra efforts to ensure the councillor is aware of what is going on at the point votes are taken, and to recap exactly what is the issue at stake.

Sorry I don't have any more substantial suggestions.
by (33.7k points)

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