Interesting then - s117 (1)
Question - Does the clerk have a disclosable pecuniary interest in the preparation of the budget for council determination since employee salaries are an inseparable (often significant) element of the budgetary calculation.
I would suggest yes, they do.
So preparation and presentation of the budget by the RFO should be normal business. Getting all prissy and (as described in the OP) interrupting a Cllr proposing an amendment, simply shouldn’t happen.
Since we know it does, and we know why, the only effective means of countering such behaviour is to demonstrate a greater knowledge of the rules than the person that appears to be hiding behind them.
Imagine the guppy face if the Cllr had countered with - have you declared an interest in the discussion into the budget which provides your salary?
Please - somebody - do it and video the reaction );0)