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0 votes
Every year my Parish Council holds a 'Carols around the Crib' event.  The Vicar and the Ministers from the 2 local chapels always attend, and there are 'Christmas' prayers said together with Christmas carols sung. Father Christmas is also there. All villagers are welcome to attend for free.

The event is funded by the Parish Council - hall hire, mince pies, tea and coffee.

Is this a legal use of PC money as the event is overwhelmingly Christian in nature?
by (180 points)
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2 Answers

+1 vote
There probably isn't a black and white answer to that. A parish council can spend money under "section 137" provided it gives a commensurate benefit to citizens. That is always a question of judgement, but the event sounds as if it would qualify.

In the current climate, it would make sense to review the event and ask whether it should be more inclusive of people lacking Christian beliefs. One could also point out that the Christmas festival was taken over by Christianity from earlier pagan events. The winter solstice is the starting point for all such things (even if 25 December isn't quite it).
by (33.7k points)
0 votes
Whilst I agree that a multi faith event would be more inclusive, there are "civic services" going on up and down the country so it's undoubtedly permitted but not necessarily appropriate everywhere.  A decision for the council I think.
by (22.3k points)

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