It is possible if the circumstances allow.
For example, any contract of employment may reasonably require the notification and or consent for other employment.
So whilst it is not ‘impossible’ there are potential pit falls which can be exploited by unscrupulous employees.
- how would any 1 PC ensure IT equipment provided for home working was being used solely and exclusively for their employment duties rather than being used across a range of other councils? Answer - they can’t.
- how would any 1 PC ensure they were getting VfM when an employee is being pulled in several different directions? Answer - they can’t.
- how would any 1 PC ensure the budget their tax payers have provided for training and development was not being used to the advantage of those tax payers of other areas that have not contributed to it? Answer - they can’t.
- which employer pays sick pay?
And the cherry on top - this actually happened - just before he resigned threatening Ind tribunal but backed down when counter threatened with a fraud investigation, the clerk submitting work hours across 3 known T&PCs for payment which, when combined, totalled more than the hours available to work in a week.
Yes a clerk ‘can’ be employed by more than 1 PC but there are significant potential pitfalls to be considered too